Thursday, December 6, 2012

Turning 3!

Jim Beau is now 3!!  Yea!   He had a great, wild birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese with some family and friends.

Raccoon hat from Aunt B and Uncle Eddie

 Dump Truck cake!

He got his very own Leapster Explorer so that he doesn't have to fight Sissy for hers and a cool Lightening McQueen car and so much more.  Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate!

On a medical note, the PH Study we had done came back normal.  Jim Beau did such a great job during the 24 hours he had to wear the thing.   They did a GI scope and everything looked wonderful with no damage from reflux.   Below is a picture.  He had a tube coming out his nose that was attached to a box he had to wear like a purse.  They gave us "no no" arm bands that he was supposed to wear.  The arm bands looked like big casts and he couldn't move his arms!  It was pitiful so we took them off and just watched him carefully.  We didn't want him pulling the tube out and ruining the test.  He did great and it was worth it to get results that were normal.

 We also had an ultrasound of his liver because  Dr. Duffy thought his liver seemed large.  The results were that his liver is the 95th percentile, but everything else about the liver looked good.    Cardiology check up this week went well, too.   Everything is stable so we just keep doing what we're doing and have check ups every 6 months.

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  We are looking forward to Christmas!


Mary Lou said...

I just discovered your Blog. I, too was born with a diaphragmatic hernia, among other birth defects. I am now 29 years old. I love, love, love to write!! And, I enjoy singing. It sets my soul free somehow. People say that I am good.... ;)
Jim is adorable!! Beautiful in more ways than one. No, wait. As my phrase goes, he is Beautifully Unique!! ;-D
I will be praying for Jim's continued good health!! ;)
Keep posting. I want to watch Jim grow up!! ;-D
I loved your dump truck cake!! How creative!! Happy birthday, Jim!! ;)
"I (we) shouldn't be alive... unless it were for a reason." ~Tony Stark

Mary Lou said...

Happy Valentine's Day!! ;-D

Mary Lou said...

There have not been any new Blog posts lately!! I am missing Jim, my Kindred Spirit CDH Buddy!! I hope that he is staying healthy and thriving!! ;)

Mary Lou said...

There have not been any Blog posts in 2013!! And it is March!! I am still missing Jim, my Kindred Spirit CDH Buddy!! I hope that he is staying healthy and thriving!! ;)

Mary Lou said...

Did you miss me? {Okay, that was part of a Tony Stark/Iron Man line from "The Avengers". Very cocky and self-centered, actually!!} Well, I have appeared missing in action so to speak around everybody's Blogs lately. I'm baaaack!! Did you miss me? Hee, hee, hee.... ;)
There have not been any new Blog posts in less than four months!! I miss Jim, my Fellow Kindred Spirit CDH Friend!! I hope that you are enjoying Springtime!! ;-D

Mary Lou said...

My goodness, where does the time escape to? It has been well five months since you last posted on this Blog!! I hope that everybody is staying well, and healthy. Is there warm Spring sunshine where you live? We are enjoying some!! I am missing Jim, my Kindred Spirit CDH Buddy!! ;)

Mary Lou said...

Happy Mother's Day!! ;)

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